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Model Information
Power Train & Specs
Engine: MH I-Head
Cylinders: 4
Bore & Stroke: 3.6875 x 4.875
RPM: 1,500
CID: 208
Fuel: Diesel
Main Fuel Tank Cap: 27
Aux Fuel Tank Cap:
Carburetor: Bosch Injector Pump
Cooling Capacity: 4.33
Drawbar HP: 26.13
Belt PTO HP: 32.78
Weight: 5,830 lbs
Number of Gears: 10/2
Variations: Gas, Kerosene, Liquid Propane
Production & Serial Numbers
1956: 20001
1957: 22649
Location: Metal tag left rear tractor frame forward of transmission case and stamped top left front corner