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Model Information
Power Train & Specs
Engine: Continental
Cylinders: 4
Bore & Stroke: 3.875 x 5.50
RPM: 1,350
CID: 260
Fuel: Diesel
Main Fuel Tank Cap: 25
Aux Fuel Tank Cap: 1.5
Carburetor: Bosch Injector Pump
Cooling Capacity: 5.75
Drawbar HP: 37.9
Belt PTO HP: 43.04
Weight: 4,565 lbs
Number of Gears: 5/1
Production & Serial Numbers
1946: 1001GS
1947: 10016S, 10026R, 1002GR, 1141GS
1948: 1001DS, 1871GS, 20016S, 2048GR, 29836R
1949: 1001DR, 1023DS, 4528GS, 47556R, 5312GR
1950: 1004DR, 13828GR, 2180DS, 26016S, 52556R, 9581GS
1951: 13726GS, 21815GR, 2483DR, 3989DS, 55096R
1952: 17059GS, 31275GR, 40001DR, 40001DS, 40001GR, 40001GS, 4704DR, 5639DS
1953: 43700DR, 43700DS, 43700GR, 43700GS
1954: 51364DR, 51364DS, 51364GR, 51364GS, 1955: 58067DR, 58067DS, 58067GR, 58067GS
Location: Metal tag left rear tractor frame forward of transmission case & stamped top left front corner