John Deere

Model AI Unstyled (1935-1949)

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Tractor Info


The Model AI was produced for industrial use. It had a lot in common with the AR, but one of its biggest identifying features was its front axle. By moving the axle approximately seven inches toward the rear of the tractor, it allowed for a very tight turning radius, and integral equipment could now be mounted to the front of the machine and engineers no longer had to worry about hitting the tires.

Tractor Info

Engine: John Deere

Cylinders: 2

Bore & Stroke: 5.50X6.75

RPM: 975

CID: 321

Fuel: Distillate

Main Fuel Tank Cap: 16 Gal.

Aux Fuel Tank Cap: 1 Gal.

Carburetor: Marvel Schebler

Cooling Capacity: 32

Drawbar HP: 26.52 Hp.

Belt PTO HP: 30.33 Hp.

Weight: 4750 lbs

Length: 124 inches

Width: 64 inches

Height: 55 inches

Number of Gears: 4/1


Total Produced: 91

1935: 250000

1936: 251486

1937: 253521

1938: 255416

1939: 256700

1940: 257647

1941: 260000

1942: 261125

1943: 262157

1944: 262755

1945: 264198

1946: 265535

1947: 266643

1948: 268410

1949: 270131

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